Communitech Hub
4:00pm – 5:00pm GMT Tuesday 18 Sep 2018
Fluxible Meetup

Brown Bag Lunch: There's a map for that! Designer's guide to making useful maps

Linn Vizard

Why are designers making so many maps these days? Customer journey maps, empathy maps, experience maps, stakeholder maps and strategy roadmaps… We make maps to draw insight, catalyze ideas, get on the same page, and understand complex experiences and processes. At the experience layer, we use maps to drive decisions that impact end users as well as those who deliver services.

How did we get here? What are all these different types of maps? How can you go about folding them into your practice? And what are some things to keep in mind when making design maps?

Let’s talk about maps!

About Linn Vizard
Independent Designer
Linn Vizard

Linn is an independent designer based in Toronto (and a total map nerd!). In her previous role as Director, Design Strategy at Bridgeable, she applied service design methodologies to solve client challenges in fields like banking, telco and the public sector. She frequently writes for journals and the Adobe blog on design and UX. For this talk, she brings her experience as a practitioner and consultant, mapping things like the stakeholders in a charitable fund's disbursement process, 100 hidden gems in Dublin city, or the experience of becoming a library member.